Our goal is to provide creative and educational opportunities to cultivate purposeful community environmental literacy.

purple flowers

What We Do

We provide:

  • Environmental education resources

  • Classes and workshops focused on environmental topics

  • Environmental project consultations and collaborations

We foster interactive, experiential, and creative learning opportunities with educators and environmentalists from a variety of backgrounds and perspectives.

Environmental Education is an interdisciplinary field of educational programming that emphasizes the study of environmental issues with consideration for their scientific, political, economic, social, and cultural impacts.

The PETAL Project

We combine the expressions of our creativity and imagination with the development of environmental literacy and community building skills.

Environmental Literacy is achieved through a more comprehensive understanding of environmental issues with a rich mixture of teaching strategies, subject matter, learning locations, and multi-disciplinary complexity.

red flower

Our Community

We are a shared community of environmentalists, educators, ecologists, naturalists, activists, artists, creative placemakers, and community builders that seek to cultivate environmental action and nurture caring relationships with the living and nonliving entities we share the environment with.

Our Education is based in Community  

We create learning opportunities through community involvement & engagement.

We are currently based in North Texas.

Land Acknowledgment

We acknowledge the land we primarily reside within - the land of the Wichita, Tawakoni, Caddo, and Kiikaapoo nations. These tribes have stewarded this land throughout the generations and we would like to pay our respects to elders, both past and present. We acknowledge indigenous peoples and natural entities have sustainably lived with this land for time immemorial.

Find information at Native-Land.ca

Participatory Environmentalism

Purposefully taking part in concerns and actions aimed at

protecting the environment.

Through Art & Learning

The expression of creative skill and imagination.

Acquiring knowledge and skills through experience and study.

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